When I first began at Lincoln in January 2006 I walked into the art room and I was shocked I said out loud "where is the ART"? At this time little if any art was being facilitated, The greatest thing is I started with a blank slate. Great things began happening over the next four years
Below is my vision. The most amazing thing is it manifested! Over the past years countless numbers of folks were touched by the Art that was created by these amazing kids. Also, folks became aware of the plight of many of the at-risk and marginalized youth that I served. The artists were enriched and transformed by the folks that acquired their art. They were truly validated on many levels and empowered through what they created with there own imagination. They also received $50.00 for each painting that was sold. Over the past four years these amazing artist received thousands of dollars for their powerful work. One of the therapist yesterday complemented my program she said , " When you are gone there is going to be a huge, a vast hole in the milieu.. what you have done with these kids through art and its process is real healing and real therapy."
The children in the “Art is Life; Life is Art” class are encouraged and guided to discover the power of their own creativity and the value of what that can teach them. The ultimate intention of the art program is to teach and reveal that art is a gift that is latent in everyone and that it has the ability to transform our lives as well as the potential to transform the world we live in.
The formula of the mentoring art studio, along with the publication and exhibition of our children’s art, works on multiple levels .
- In realizing the power of their imagination our children start to understand and activate problem solving skills, healthy expression, accountability, and responsibility.
- The art program also develops the capacity for creative expression increasing their sense of personal identity and pride. As well as learning that art is a tool of expression and communication.
- exhibition opportunities for their work as well as publication of their work, is validating their art and enhancing their self-esteem
- It fosters socialization and inclusion in our classes and on field trips to museums, art galleries, artists' studios and community events.
- It increases the public's understanding and awareness of the artistic and creative abilities of our children